Attributes for Common Computer Ports Expert System
(Decision Tree)
(Expert System)
ValuesImageHelp Notes
Mode of ConnectionThe port's mode of connection is through
  • pins in rows
  • sockets in rows
  • sockets in a circular fashion
  • a single socket
  • 1 pin only in goes in this socket
number of pinsthe number of pins the port has is
  • 25
  • 9
number of pinsthe number of pins the port has is
  • 25
  • 15
number of rowsthe number of rows the ports has is
  • 2
  • 3
circle shapethe sockets are positioned in
  • a full cricle
  • a semi circle
number of socketsthe number of sockets the port has is
  • 4
  • 6
socket shapethe socket's shape is
  • a flat rectangle
  • a tall rectangle
  • a small square
  • an octagon
the port's width isthe port's width is
  • thin
  • wide
plug fitthe 1-pin socket's plug fits through
  • a completely internal input
  • a metal jacket with external connector